QUESTION: What is a plug-in?
ANSWER: A "plug-in" is a software module that enhances the functionality of a software application. In other words, a plug-in adds features to an application.
A plug-in cannot function on its own; it is designed to work in conjunction with a particular application.
There are plug-ins available for many software applications, including Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop. When plug-ins are mentioned on this Web site, it is usually in the context of a discussion about the Adobe Acrobat software.
There are many plug-ins available for Adobe Acrobat. Here are just some of the things you can do with plug-in software for Adobe Acrobat:
- make sure a PDF file will print properly in your environment (this is often called "preflighting")
- re-position the pages in a PDF file
- re-number the pages in a PDF file
- make extensive changes to the text in a PDF file
- combine several PDF files to make one PDF file
- extract text from a PDF file in a format that represents the hierarchy within the PDF (the relationships among headings and sub-headings, etc.)
- print a PDF file in booklet format (i.e., saddle-stitch format)
- change the color specifications in a PDF file from CMYK to RGB and vice versa.
This is just a sampling of what you can do with Adobe Acrobat plug-in software. Adobe Acrobat plug-ins are available for countless other tasks.
Our company offers three useful plug-ins for Adobe Acrobat: Quite Imposing Plus, Quite A Box Of Tricks, and Quite Revealing.